Sunday, December 13, 2009

So what now?

Will it has been over 4 weeks since Ironman Florida. The night of the race I told my wife that I was probably done with the Ironman distance races. Well after a good night sleep I had a 14 hour drive home the next day that gave me plenty of time to reflect on the race and what had happened. I try to use every race as a learning experience. I either learn something positive or negative and I try to take that information to better myself. What I learned at IMFL:

1) I in need to not forget my socks and put vasaline(or some other lubricant) on the bottom of my feet when I am going to bike or run really long distances.
2) I need to train harder on the bike.
3) Staying calm in the water really works.
4) Your nutrition plan is just as important as your race plan (or they should go hand in hand). My nutrition plan went great.

I am going to do another Ironman race. I'm am not sure it will be in 2010. What I learned this year can only help me get better. A bunch of friends from the Annapolis Triathlon Club are going to do Ironman Louisville 2010, so who knows. They are also talking about putting a group together to do Ironman Wisconsin in 2011.

I just started training again but it has been tough but it felt good to get back in the pool and on the treadmill. The weather has been terrible and it is tough to get motivated to workout around the holidays. If I can get by the next couple of weeks and get back into a routine I should be fine. I am going to really step up my training on the run and bike.

I have a busy race schedule planned for next year. This is the tentative schedule:

5/16/10 Cascade Lake sprint
5/23/10 Columbia Triathlon Oly.
6/13/10 Eagleman 1/2 Ironman
6/27/10 Columbia sprint race (new in 2010)
7/10/10 Mussleman (NY) 1/2 Ironman
8/15/10 Lums Pond sprint
8/29/10 Ironman Louisville (maybe)
9/12/10 Nations Triathlon Oly.
10/3/10 The Half Full Tri (70 mile race new in 2010)

In addition my daughter wants to do a few kids races. So we should have a 2010 summer packed full of triathlon.